Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's story time again!

I hope that one and all will come to the 2009 Springfield (MA) RV show in February. I have been invited back again to share the good, and “you wouldn’t believe” stories about being a Work camper in a National park, this time Acadia in Maine.
The economy isn’t doing too well right now but remember we have been down before. The RV industry is not immune to the slow down, I was also scheduled to appear at the Boston RV show this year but the whole thing was canceled! To me this means our national parks will be even easier to enjoy in 2009.
Please see

Another great summer in a national park

It all depends if you think the glass is half full or other wise. Gas topped out at $4.20 a gallon and it rained…a lot but spending the summer at Acadia national park was well worth the wet feet. I have joked to folks in the past that spending an entire summer at a Park ensures me that I will be there for all the good days. That joke really came home on me. The Park was empty and my wife and I enjoyed all Acadia has to offer.